1/11/2023  This Document contains 10 pages of Substaitial evidence found against the Sweet Home District from a BOLI Complaint submitted in January of 2023.(Large Documents may take time to load will appear in white space below)

2024_01_11 BOLINotice of Substaintial Evidence Determintation_Optemized.pdf

1/11/2023  This Document contains 10 pages of Substaitial evidence found against the Sweet Home District from a BOLI Complaint submitted in January of 2023.

2023_01_11 BOLINotice of Substaintial Evidence Determintation.pdf

 1/10/2024 - New complaint signed detailing Incidents after June of 2022 including termination.  After speaking with a few attorneys they said that wouldn't even persue the items in the Above complaint since the actions since the new Fire Chief Mark "Nick" Tyler were so much more serious then the first.  I have been told that Mr. Tyler was attempting to deflect his wrongdoing by stating with was all done by Chief Barringer.   I dont disagree that he was dealt a bad hand but Mr. Tyler is the one who chose this path. I believe he did it based on his Arrogance and Ego and attempt to set a precedence so no one else would try to challenge him.

2024_01_10 BOLI Number 2 Complete_with_DocuSign_Lincoln_charge_(2024).pdf

3/1/23 Letter given to the Board on March 1st One day prior to expected meeting with Mark Tyler fire Chief were he planned to terminate me if I did not sign settlement agreement. 

2023_03_01 Letter to Board of Directors Regarding Retailiation WITH NOTE.pdf

3/9/23 - Followup letter to Board of Directors emailed to Board President March 9th, 2023 Stating my intent to persue all avenues including Civil Service Hearing. 

2023_03_09 Letter to Board #2.pdf

Termination Letter I was given after I refused to sign the settlement agreement.  

2023_03_29 Termination Notice.pdf

Below is the sections of the above letter within the outlines and my response underneath.

2023_03_29 Termination Notice Doc with responses.pdf

After my Termination I provide one more attempt to resolve this issue quietly saving the District, Board and Staff undue embarrasment before I pursued more agressive options. 

2023_04_03 Offer to Settle sent after Termination (1).pdf

4/11/23 - I emailed SDAO (Special Districts Association of Oregon) requesting they talk some sense into their client the "District" before its costs SDAO more money they neccesary. (SDAO provides an insurance policy in the event of a lawsuit.  The district has a $25,000 deductible unless they contact SDAO prior to any action.  If they conact SDAO before any employment actions the the $25,000 is waived. 

2023_04_11 Email to Keri Regarding District Actions.pdf

4/13/24 My wife and I introduced our first child to the world.   Before I became a father I would tell my wife that I was affraid I wouldn't love my child as much as I love my dogs.   I don't worry about that anymore.  It would have less stressfull for the both of us If we had the health insurance I lost 2 weeks prior.   Within 3 days of his birth he was already back at the hospital after turning blue,  these episodes have occured a total of 3 times and we are waiting for an appointment at with OHSU to evalutation this.  

4/18/23 - Letter I read at board of DIrectors Meeting on April 18,  Article in the local paper covering it. 

2023_04_18 Handout Attachment Violation Summary List.pdf

Here is a copy of the article of that board meeting.  The response from board president Dawn Mitchell was "complaints of the staff need to occur in executive session"

2023_04_19 New Era PDF Detailing Board Meeting.pdf