3/9/23 - Followup letter to Board of Directors emailed to Board President March 9th, 2023 Stating my intent to persue all avenues including Civil Service Hearing. 

2023_03_09 Letter to Board #2.pdf

4/8/24 - Second request for Civil Service this time for the Termination

2023_04_08 Civil_Service_Hearing_Request.pdf

4/11/23 - I emailed SDAO (Special Districts Association of Oregon) requesting they talk some sense into their client the "District" before its costs SDAO more money they neccesary. (SDAO provides an insurance policy in the event of a lawsuit.  The district has a $25,000 deductible unless they contact SDAO prior to any action.  If they conact SDAO before any employment actions the the $25,000 is waived. 

2023_04_11 Email to Keri Regarding District Actions.pdf

4/13/24 My wife and I introduced our first child to the world.   Before I became a father I would tell my wife that I was affraid I wouldn't love my child as much as I love my dogs.   I don't worry about that anymore.  It would have less stressfull for the both of us If we had the health insurance I lost 2 weeks prior.   Within 3 days of his birth he was already back at the hospital after turning blue,  these episodes have occured a total of 3 times and we are waiting for an appointment at with OHSU to evalutation this.  

4/18/23 - Letter I read at board of DIrectors Meeting on April 18,  Article in the local paper covering it. 

2023_04_18 Handout Attachment Violation Summary List.pdf

Here is a copy of the article of that board meeting.  The response from board president Dawn Mitchell was "complaints of the staff need to occur in executive session"

2023_04_19 New Era PDF Detailing Board Meeting.pdf

4/19/23 - The day after the Board Meeting I recieved 2 emails from Mark Tyler - Fire Chief. Both letting me know how busy the board and fire chief had been working to silence me. 

2023_04_19 Tyler email with Docs Requested.pdf
2023_04_19 Civil Service Response.pdf

Keep in mind that the Board Discussed Appointing Civil Service 8 times over 8 year period and never any mention of creating rules that would allow for exemption

2023_03_21 Board Meeting Minutes March 21st, 2023.pdf
2023_03_28 CSC Minutes March 28, 2023 docx.pdf
2023_04_19 Email from Tyler with Word Doc of CSC Rules - Civil Service Rules.pdf
2023_04_19 Civil Service Rules.pdf

I was hopeful the board was taking my letters seriously however I was wrong.  It appears that realized that I made a request for a Civil Service Hearing and Oregon Law requires all of the Civil Service Hearings be open the the public that all off my claims would be out in the open for the public hear first hand. I have expressed that I would live stream the hearings.  In this meeting the Board of Directors voted and appointed Civil Service Commisioners which is what they should have done 20 years prior once the District had 4 full time Firefighters as required by Oregon Law.  The issue is that they "claim" to have enacted a "exemptions" under ORS 242.704.  The exemptions they claim is not valid since ORS 242.704 requires such exemption to be made under "Ordinance, regulation or charter" all of which require at least 3 months to enact with publications made in the paper and opportunity for public comment. .

2023_12_21 Civil Service Documents for BOLI.pdf

In the First ever Civil Service Position they claim to accept Civil Service Rules under ORS 242.704 exemption.  However they were clearly made hastily since there are so many errors on the rules (see below)

2023_03_28 CSC Minutes March 28, 2023 docx.pdf
2023_04_19 Civil Service Rules.pdf
2023_04_29 Email to Civil Service Follow-up on request for investigation - Copy.pdf
2023_05_03 Civil Service Response.pdf

05/04/2023 -  Letter to Civil Service demanding they do what they are legally required to do under ORS 242 Civil Service for Firefighters. 

2023_05_04 Letter to CSC addressing failure to respond.pdf

5/4/23 - Followup letter to Civil Service with my concern they are not doing what is required of them under Oregon Law

2023_05_04 Letter to CSC addressing failure to respond.pdf