New Events after Shift Change.   New Supervisor Randy Whitfield was proving that Shift change was a punishment from Barringer.  He question the manner in which I requested sick leave becuase he was confused that the call I got hurt on was in the morning just before shift change i.e. 23 hours into 24 hours shift. He reference a Lexipol Policy that were never told we were following.   The reason this is so signifcant is that this was the first sick leave I had taken on his shift.  The previous Lieutenant on his shift was known to take the most sick of any other employee and at that time I had over 1000 hours of available unused sick leave in my bank.

3.1 sick leave.pdf

I responded clearly frustrated that he was going to treat me like this after I had clearly expressed a few days earlier that I wanted to be treated equally and fairly due to the fact that I expressed by believe that the shift change was retaliatory.

3.2 Re On the job injury.pdf

In the meeting the following day Whiftifeld confirmed that we are not following the policy he referenced.